Whether you're a cowboy or a city slicker, we can hook you up!
833 452-3928
Mon-Fri 9-6pm
High Speed Internet
Primary or Failover
Dedicated Phone Lines
Internet of Things
Machine to Machine
Through our partners, we can find solutions to just about any problem!
Ladybug Wireless Business Solutions

We can customize a group of services that gives you​
A more robust connection
Less Jitter & Packet Loss
Better Uptime
More security
Scalable! Grow without changing a thing!
Affordable for Sole Proprietors!
Robust enough for world wide enterprises!
Introducing Ladybug RIBS!!!
Ask about our RIBS Work from Home Solution
Rural Internet
Business Services
High Security
Low Latency
Reduces Jitter & Packet Loss
Mobile or Stationary!
Price varies
Ask for quote!
Hold the barbeque sauce!
We're talking about our Rural Internet Business Services!!!
Need something different? We'll customize a bundle of services just for you!

"Ladybug Wireless put the mobile in my barbeque business! Internet, a dedicated phone line and even refrigeration monitoring so we're always in compliance!"
A. J. Thomson- JT's BBQ